[물음표와 느낌표 사이 EP.2]과학이 밝힌 "멍 때리기"😐의 비밀│뇌과학자의 스트레스 관리😖 & 만점 꿀팁📖✨ > Play list

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[From the Question Mark to the Exclamation Point EP.2]

Join Professor Beomjun Kim from the Department of Physics and Professor Lee Dae-han from the Department of Biological Sciences at Sungkyunkwan University as they host Professors Shim Wonmok and Woo Choongwan from the Department of Global Biomedical Engineering. 

Together, they uncover the secrets of "zoning out" and share stress management tips from the perspective of neuroscientists!


🙂 To enhance your understanding of the video, make use of subtitles or transcript features! 🙂

Courses 1

[물음표와 느낌표 사이 EP.2]과학이 밝힌 "멍 때리기"😐의 비밀│뇌과학자의 스트레스 관리😖 & 만점 꿀팁📖✨