[물음표와 느낌표 사이 EP.4]양자컴퓨터, 어디까지 왔나? 👀 양자컴퓨터부터 차세대 반도체까지, 미래 기술 한 번에 살펴보기🔍 > Play list

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[From the Question Mark to the Exclamation Point EP.4]

Quantum Computers: How Far Have We Come? 👀 From quantum computing to next-generation semiconductors, take a look at future technologies all in one go 🔍

Join us for a moment where small everyday questions❓ turn into moments of enlightening realization❗


Professor Beomjun Kim from the Department of Physics and Professor Dahun Lee from the Department of Biological Sciences at Sungkyunkwan University invite Professors Seokjun Kwon from the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Junki Kim from the Departments of Nano Engineering/Quantum Information Engineering. Together, they discuss quantum computing and share exciting insights 😮 on next-generation semiconductors and future technologies!


🙂 To enhance your understanding of the video, make use of subtitles or transcript features! 🙂

Courses 1

[물음표와 느낌표 사이 EP.4]양자컴퓨터, 어디까지 왔나? 👀 양자컴퓨터부터 차세대 반도체까지, 미래 기술 한 번에 살펴보기🔍