[ExCampus 시즌4] 와인은 왜 떫을까? - 폴리페놀의 바이오 접착 화학 > Play list

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[ExCampus 시즌4] 와인은 왜 떫을까? - 폴리페놀의 바이오 접착 화학

ExCampus extends the knowledge and experience of global scholarship as well as professors and alumni of our universities who are active in various fields of society. It is an expanded future education platform launched in 2020 with the aim of connecting universities and society, and it plays a role in connecting our university's vision to the world through more than 50 lectures with foreign subtitles such as English and Chinese.

Courses 1

[ExCampus 시즌4] 와인은 왜 떫을까_ - 폴리페놀의 바이오 접착 화학(성균관대학교 성균융합원 글로벌 바이오메디컬공학과 신미경 교수)