Machine Learning Algorithms Free English ‎(en)‎

  • Recruiting People1,000 people

  • Target ClassALL

  • Enrollment Period11-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2028

  • Learning period11-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2028

  • Payment StatusFree

  • Approval MethodAutomatic Approval

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Class Introduction


In this course you will:
a) understand the naïve Bayesian algorithm.
b) understand the Support Vector Machine algorithm.
c) understand the Decision Tree algorithm.
d) understand the Clustering.
Please make sure that you’re comfortable programming in Python and have a basic knowledge of mathematics including matrix multiplications, and conditional probability.




- 김재광 성균관대학교 소프트웨어학과 교수 



주 (Week) 학습 내용 (Contents)
            Week 1    Naïve Bayes
            Week 2    Support Vector Machine
            Week 3    Decision Tree
            Week 4    Clustering


문의: 성균관대학교 교무처 교육개발센터 (Center for Teaching & Learning)

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Course Introduction

This specialization understands the machine learning algorithms needed to understand and implement recommender systems. To this end, the content of the class is conducted in the form of theory, quizzes, and assignments. This specialization consists of three modules:

  • Colleges & Schools
    College of Computing and Informatics
  • Topics
    Engineering & Tech