세계로 통하는 한국어 고급 무료 한국어 ‎(ko)‎

  • 모집인원1,000명

  • 수강대상전체

  • 수강신청기간2022-11-01 ~ 2023-12-31

  • 학습기간2022-11-01 ~ 2023-12-31

  • 결제여부무료

  • 수강승인방법자동 승인

로그인하시면 강좌에 등록할 수 있습니다.
강좌 소개


Through this course, you can understand Korean more deeply and get advanced Korean language skills. This course is for advanced Korean learners who are interested in Korean language and culture. The course consists of 5 lessons, each lesson has the main topic of language, job, science, pop culture, and international issues. You can listen to and understand news and dialogues, and learn the expressions used in them in each lesson. Also, on the last day of each week, you can share your opinions with other learners through discussion activities. Take your Korean up a notch with this course!




김경훤 성균관대학교 학부대학 교수 




주 (Week) 학습 내용 (Contents)
 Week 1 언어
 Week 2 직업
 Week 3 과학
 Week 4 대중문화
 Week 5 국제


문의: 성균관대학교 교무처 교육개발센터 (Center for Teaching & Learning)

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  • 대학 & 기관
  • 토픽