Introduction to Quantitative Investing Free English (en)
Recruiting People1,000 people
Target ClassALL
Enrollment Period01-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Learning period11-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Payment StatusFree
Approval MethodAutomatic Approval
Financial markets have become increasingly complex - it’s not easy to know where to start when it comes to investing. In today’s world the demand of accurate data-driven quantitative analysis across the world is steadily rising: it’s become crucial to understand and be able to use statistical and mathematical information accurately and promptly.
This course will teach you the essentials of modern investment theory and help you learn to apply them in real life using financial data and programming.
##Understand modern investment theory
On the course you’ll start by learning about key concepts in modern investment theory and quantitative investing like return, risk and portfolio optimisation.
##Get used to statistical techniques and practice using programming language R
Once you’ve learnt basic investment concepts we’ll look at applying them using statistics and programming using open source language R will be introduced. You’ll practice by doing assignments every week using actual securities data from Yahoo Finance.
##Discover how to construct an investment portfolio
Using your new knowledge of quantitative investing and your ability to analyse investment characteristics using programming, you’ll be able to build your own diversified investment portfolio based on return analysis.
##Learn from an expert in the field
Through the course you’ll be taught by an educator who has worked in quantitative finance for more than 15 years in Wall Street global investment banks, before she joined [SKKU](https://www.futurelearn.com/partners/sungkyunkwan-university) in 2015. She was Chief Investment Officer at a hedge fund and head of systematic trading groups at global banks such as Citi and J.P. Morgan.
- 영주닐슨 Nielsen, Youngju 성균관대학교 경영전문대학원 교수
삼성자산운용 자문위원
주간조선 칼럼니스트
퀀타비움캐피탈 뉴욕 파트너, 최고 투자책임자
•Citi 뉴욕 G10 시스템트레이딩헤드
•JP 모건 뉴욕 채권시스템트레이딩헤드
문의: 성균관대학교 교무처 교육개발센터 (Center for Teaching & Learning)
Colleges & SchoolsSchool of Business
TopicsEconomics & Business