Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business Free English (en)
Recruiting People1,000 people
Target ClassALL
Enrollment Period01-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Learning period11-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Payment StatusFree
Approval MethodAutomatic Approval
- Discover how predictive analytics could transform your business
As businesses accrue more and more data about their customers – from their behavioural history to their transactions – being able to use ‘Big Data’ is becoming increasingly key to low-term business success.
- Learn how predictive analytics helps business
Predictive analytics encompasses a variety of statistical techniques in big data analysis and machine learning.
Alongside data science experts at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), you’ll get foundational training in the concepts and principles that underlie data science and statistical modelling techniques.
- See how data science can boost business performance
The course will take you through a series of real-world business problems, solving each by using key predictive analytics methods.
These include statistical methodologies and algorithms such as artificial neural networks, clustering, text mining, decision trees, and natural language processing.
- Explore the relationship between predictive analysis and machine learning
You’ll discover the essentials of machine learning, which can be a vital tool in analysing and making use of data.
Discover the difference between supervised machine learning – where you can collect data based on previous experience – and unsupervised machine learning – where you can find new data patterns.
- Gain practical big data skills
Along the way, you’ll learn how to use predictive tools to extract knowledge from data, connect actual business problems with data science solutions, and lead a data science-orientated team.
- 영주닐슨 Nielsen, Youngju 성균관대학교 경영전문대학원 교수
삼성자산운용 자문위원
주간조선 칼럼니스트
퀀타비움캐피탈 뉴욕 파트너, 최고 투자책임자
•Citi 뉴욕 G10 시스템트레이딩헤드
•JP 모건 뉴욕 채권시스템트레이딩헤드
문의: 성균관대학교 교무처 교육개발센터 (Center for Teaching & Learning)
Colleges & SchoolsSchool of Business
TopicsEconomics & Business