The Fundamental of data-driven investment Free English (en)
Recruiting People1,000 people
Target ClassALL
Enrollment Period01-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Learning period11-01-2022 ~ 03-01-2027
Payment StatusFree
Approval MethodAutomatic Approval
In this course, the instructor will discuss the fundamental analysis of investment using R programming. The course will cover investment analysis topics, but at the same time, make you practice it using R programming. This course's focus is to train you to do the elemental analysis for investment management that you might need to do in your job every day. Additionally, the study note to do using Python programming will be provided. The course is designed with the assumption that most students already have a little bit of knowledge in financial economics. Students are expected to have heard about stocks and bonds and balance sheets, earnings, etc., and know the introductory statistics level, such as mean, median, distribution, regression, etc. The instructor will explain the detail of R programming for beginners. It will be an excellent course for you to improve your programming skills. If you are very good at R programming, it will provide you an excellent opportunity to practice again with finance and investment examples. Professor Youngju Nielsen creates the course with the assistants of Keonwoo Lim and Jeeun Yuen. =========================================================================================== Coursera Course recommendations before this course for those who are not familiar with basic R programming: https://www.coursera.org/projects/getting-started-with-r https://www.coursera.org/learn/business-analytics-r https://www.coursera.org/specializations/statistics-with-python
영주닐슨 Nielsen, Youngju 성균관대학교 경영전문대학원 교수
삼성자산운용 자문위원
주간조선 칼럼니스트
퀀타비움캐피탈 뉴욕 파트너, 최고 투자책임자
•Citi 뉴욕 G10 시스템트레이딩헤드
•JP 모건 뉴욕 채권시스템트레이딩헤드
주 (Week) | 학습 내용 (Contents) |
Week 1 | Analyzing Past Returns and Forecasting Future Returns |
Week 2 | Understanding the Risk Using Factors |
Week 3 | Portfolio Analysis and Optimization |
Week 4 | Performance Analysis |
문의: 성균관대학교 교무처 교육개발센터 (Center for Teaching & Learning)
Colleges & SchoolsSchool of Business
TopicsEconomics & Business